Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Boy Do I Need My Head Examined!!!

Oh No!  It's not been a year since I last wrote.  It only feels that way.  Sheeez!!!  So, since I'm here I'll just post another photo.  Updated news...my daughter got accepted to private school.  If anyone needs advice on school applications...I can help with that, and also college applications...it's my job.  Enjoy!

This one is now in private school.

This one is in the Navy.

And this one is just beside himself.

Time Passes Way Too Quickly.

Hmmmm...I didn't realize that it had been a year since I last posted.  That can't be right.  I'll have to check the dates again. 

I've been doing a lot of traveling.  My favorite destination so far has been Sedona, Arizona.  I really enjoy the climate, and the people.  We spent a good bit of time on horseback, riding through the open lands, and learning about the history.  Enjoy!